A Heavy look into All those Loathesome Soap Operas

You’ve got to love soap operas. Through the sophisticated plots and finely woven webs of deceit, to the depths of schemes, they were, are and usually will be classics. They are timeless. I published this as my take on them back in 2007 when back filling white space for our highschool paper. View a few soap operas for the next few nights to see for yourself how closely they appear like the soap operas of 36 yrs ago…

And now to the thought provoking query that plagues mens souls unceasingly through the bright shining from the day and through the untold dark depths of the night:

So why did Peter, who actually is really Superman, fake that he stubbed his toe on the 17th stone around the pavement starting at 4th and Grand instead of the 16th stone, that was even bigger and much more logically the unwilling recipient of that invulnerable toe and exactly why did Marlys take Sam’s tips to purchase the yellow tulip rather than the red and green carnation, while all of the time Rodregus realized that the curvaceous young Pandora was in the moment purchasing the final purple, double-breasted, duck-billed, warbling giraffe within the world for her dear departed Phillip concealed as a lowly second mate on the Queen Mary, that’s under attack by the tyrant Cedric simply because from the terrible beating he had suffered in the hands of Radcliff whose ex-wife Natalie was actually Percival’s long lost great-great-uncle Maximillian in disguise who knew that Zigmond was inclined to un-pitted olives stuffed into green grapefruit filled graciously with Granny and Gretchen’s goulash, which was little by little getting gooey and who also was aware of Jennifer’s contact Louella in the deep Congo, seized in the time by the dread Gardenia, the 7th cousin of Guenivere, confident of receiving the eight-ounce bottle of Elmer’s Glue stored within the vast files within the cortex of Courtney’s colossal computer complex very carefully compiled to take care of the current curling, normally crusading as the transmittable, communicable, crystalline, cucumber crud, carried on cue sticks by crying cuckoo clock birds continually to evolve with the clever Cornelius’ cumbersome plot to corrupt the currency exchange and maintain the crisis from the Cormandel Coast Cult, complicated by the coroner Cort’s corny connotation to obscure his consecutive coronary contractions constantly crippling his conscious efforts to contradict congenial counterparts’ careful counterfeit correspondence with Corwyn, the cosmic cosmetician?

Was it because Bill had green eyes or even was it simply because Melissa meddled menacingly and meticulously in Maudes plans to look at calendar to see what year she was sent to by her superiors within the future?

Listen in tomorrow for that interesting climax produced by another deep question

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