Helps block beta recptors

Beta blockers are drugs used to prevent epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine from attaching themselves to the beta receptors found on nerve cells. The beta receptors found in the body can be divided into three types – ?1, ?2, and ?3. Beta blockers are used to treat high blood pressure, heart attack, angina (chest pain), pheochromocytoma, abnormal heart rhythm, heart failure, tremor, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, and prevention of migraines.

These beta blockers have side effects. Some of the side effects include stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. Other side effects include fatigue, muscle cramps, blurred vision and rash.

The effects these drugs have on the central nervous system are depression, dizziness, hallucinations, headache, confusion, and nightmares. These drugs can cause heart block or heart failure in patients who are suffering from heart problems. If these drugs are withdrawn suddenly the angina may worsen, the patient may suffer from heart attacks or may even die. If asthmatics use drugs that block ?2 receptors, they may suffer from shortness of breath. Diabetic patients may suffer from low blood glucose or (hypoglycemia). Usage of these drugs may result in sexual dysfunction.

Sudden weight gain is another side effect of this group of durgs. Taking these drugs can result diarrhea or severe vomiting that may result in the patient getting dehydrated.

Steel has been in the helath industry for many years. He has done a detailed research on beta blockers.

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