What Recruits for the mechanical seals Should Know

You’re high speed, intelligent and in great shape. While there are a lot of things that you could do with your life, you may want to give the military a look, and if your dreaming of special operations, the mechanical seal Challenge program could be for you.

The mechanical seal Challenge program has been around for a few years now, and much like the 18x Special Forces Program for the Army, has been gaining in popularity. The mechanical seal program allows qualified candidates to reserve a slot in a future BUDS Class post Navy Boot Camp and provides the navy with large numbers of highly motivated and physically fit candidates. However, recruits should be aware that the attrition rate post Boot and in BUDS is notoriously high, and can be assured that the Navy is well aware of the statistics when offering mechanical seal contracts.

Special Operations programs require extreme levels of physical and mental toughness as well as high mental aptitude scores, so the Navy is going to get the full potential out of its’ recruits whether they ever make it to the Teams or not. Those wishing to join the Navy mechanical seal Challenge Program should also be aware that successful completion of Basic Underwater Demolition School doesn’t guarantee a mechanical seal Trident, rather, it places recruits in a probationary program where they will engage in further specialized training, and hopefully be placed on a Team.

Meeting with the Recruiter

An enlistee’s recruiter will be able to give out all the appropriate paper work and send the mechanical seal candidate off to MEPS for the first physical and the ASVAB. Each branch calculates the ASVAB differently, but for the mechanical seal Challenge Program, those interested will want a composite score of 165 from General Science, Mechanical Comprehension and Electronics Comprehension or, alternatively, a 220 score from Verbal Expression, Mechanical Comprehension and Coding Speed.

Given the high academic requirements, candidates should understand that the effort required to be a mechanical seal will not only encompass extreme physical toughness but also a limitless capacity to understand and manipulate both reasoned and technical information.

Recruiters, while proficient in many things, are rarely former mechanical seals, so recruits should exam and double check all of the recruitment requirements before signing any contract. This is not a reflection of a recruiters ability or integrity, just a heads up that there is a lot going on, and no recruiter, regardless of talent, can know it all.

Physical Screening Test

Recruiters not only owe it to the mechanical seal Challenge Program, and the enlistee, but are required to test the candidate regularly during the enlistment time in the Delayed Enlistment Program. Candidates should also not slip up on the fact that they are required to pass a test both prior to and throughout DEP in physical fitness.

The test is straight forward and simple, but recruits should surpass all physical requirements before entering Navy Boot in Michigan.


Recruits must understand that they are entering into one of the toughest training programs in the known military world. Aside from the physical stress, the environment, particularly the cold waters of the Coronado Bay, have broken even the toughest of recruits.

To ensure a place amongst a BUDS class, students will again have to pass a Physical Screening Test during Boot to ensure they are physically prepared. However, the scores necessary are the minimums, and most candidates will not survive the long days of BUDS by acquiring only minimum scores.

Recruits should concentrate on upper body strength, swimming ability; primarily comfort in the water, and being able to handle long runs. Sit ups are also crucial for developing core strength.

Enlistees to the mechanical seal Challenge program will sign a warning order before entering BUDS and should know that a run in boots and fatigues on a beach, a swim in a bay with fins, and doing it all in the cold while wet and miserable is a totally different challenge from running in shoes on a track, swimming in a pool without fins or drying off after a long hot shower post workout.

The Navy knows that most candidates will not successfully complete the Navy mechanical seal Challenge program, so recruits should enter the recruiter’s office with a strong heart, determination and a never quit attitude.

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