Five Fireplace Design Ideas that are Warming up into Trends
Fireplaces are not just heating essentials. They are a lot more than that. There are several people who use them for aesthetic purposes. It comes as no surprise that people are searching for innovative fireplace design, a design that will be noticed and appreciated. There are numerous companies that provide fireplaces and fireplace maintenance services. There are also professionals that deal only with the design of the fireplaces and they are the ones you should turn to for new and inspiring fireplace designs.
Classic living room fireplaces
At present there are myriads of fireplace designs on the market and several new companies have begun to show their customers what they can do. One of the most common designs is one where the fireplace is placed on the side of the living room wall. The furniture is displayed around the room centering the fireplace. These are generally stone-built fireplaces. In new concept design, the focus is drawn away from the stones in the fireplace by placing a long mirror up and over the mantel.
Wall raised fireplaces
This has purely been the product of the modern day innovation and ground-breaking technology. The fireplace is placed in a compartment in the wall. There are several things that make this fireplace design special. First these fireplaces do not take up any additional space in the living room. They can be easily fit in any one of the walls. At the same time, it is also easy to convert these fireplaces, not to mention that they can be modified to suit the overall look and feel of the house.
Grandeur design
Here the wall that exists right above the fireplace is painted in the same color as the entire room. This provides a feeling of unity between the entire room and the workplace. One of the major advantages of the fireplace is the fusion of elements into one whole. Most of these fireplaces come with an additional glass lid. The lid adds to the ambience of the place and also prevents kids from coming in direct contact with the heat.
Wall panel fireplace
These fireplace designs are inspired from the traditional closets. A panel of the wall is dedicated entirely to the fireplace – beginning at the roof and extending up to the ceiling. It is up to the owner to decide whether he wants to have a single square glass in the panel or make the entire panel of glass. There are several people that have already opted for these panels and many more are in queue.
Dining luxury
These fireplaces are among the most luxurious ones. There are several people that are eager to have these fireplaces installed in their homes. A great idea is to have a dark colored glass panel covering the elevated fireplace that is situated in the middle of a light colored room.
While the fireplace design is paramount to drawing the attention of the family and guests in the house, there is no particular need to fret about choosing the right one for you. It is useful to know that there is a variety of fireplaces designs to select from based on your preferences and your price range.
Looking forward to a unique firerplace design? Take a look at some exquisite fireplace designs here.