Military boots – the most essential piece of kit military personnel can own.

Military personnel find themselves in highly dangerous and hazardous situations every day of their working lives. They have to put up with extreme weather conditions from searing unrelenting heat to extreme cold wet conditions. It’s no wonder that the military boots manufactured are of such high quality.

There is no question that the right military boots can make a huge difference to the personnel wearing them. A unit of foot patrol could walk or run miles in a day. Not only do they have to support their own weight they need to carry all essential equipment with them. Military personnel will continue regardless of how they feel comfort wise but their job can be made a little easier with the correct equipment. military boots are the single most important piece of kit the military personnel can own.

Stories emerged during the Iraq conflict of British soldiers being so ill equipped their lives were being endangered. For the most part many of the Brit soldiers had inappropriate military boots and were wearing wrong sized boots and even second hand boots. On the whole the wrong footwear may sound like a trivial matter but believe me it wasn’t for the personnel suffering because of it. Military footwear is very specific and there are different designs for different conditions. military boots used in say the Arctic is wholly inappropriate for desert conditions.

The majority of us will have suffered with badly aching feet from poor footwear at some point in our lives. Magnify that ache 100 fold and you can begin to imagine how badly the wrong military boots can impact on a person. Anyone that is uncomfortable due to their footwear will tell you it’s misery and you can’t wait to get the offending shoes or boots off. Military personnel don’t have the luxury of being able to sit down, take off their boots and put their feet up. They have to continue regardless of how they feel or how much pain they are in.

Feet take a lot of punishment in our everyday lives, and the feet of military personnel take a massive pounding day in day out week in week out. Wearing the wrong military boots can slow personnel down, thereby putting them under unnecessary risk. Any kind of broken skin caused by blisters or rubbing of poorly fitting shoes is far more at risk of infection in the inhospitable places our military personnel find themselves all too often. It’s no wonder then that those poor British soldiers made such a fuss about not being provided with the correct footwear.

Our feet are perfect pieces of engineering, consisting 52 bones (26 to each foot) 33 joints, 100+ ligaments and 33 joints. Your feet support most of your body weigh, much of that on one foot as we move. The ball of your foot supports half of the bodyweight on its own. When you consider that and also how small each bone is, it ‘s now wonder that foot pain can be completely debilitating. Protect and care for your feet and they will continue to support you. Give your feet the best you can buy and get some high quality military boots, your feet will thank you for it by keeping you going.

Tactical Boot Store is your one-stop shop for quality
Military boots, Combat boots, Tactical boots, Military boots, and Magnum boots. Please visit the site for more details of available types of Boots –

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