10 reasons you should buy a Callaway U-pro rangefinder

Callaway uPro rangefinder is a GPS device that uses the state of art technology which makes it a very innovative and effective product of their kinds. The upto has distinctive features that provide the passionate golfer with satellite and aerial photography of the golf course along with GPS to clearly indicate golf course hazards, overall layout of each hole and the distance too.
There are several reasons why you should buy a Callaway upro rangefinder. But let’s list out the top ten reasons to not miss this gadget:

1. Best Size and Displays: The 10.2cm x 1.7cm x 5.1 dimension GPS ha a weight of about 88 grams which makes it the lightest and slimmest GPS rangefinder in the market. The graphic displays of the uPro GPS are crystal clear with a high resolution screen which helps in accurate viewing. The color screen makes it easier to look for positions. Special smart view technology is being used in the device which is expected by customers all over the golfing world. This smart view technology helps to show even the next possible shot to the user. This makes golfing very convenient and easy. Most compact, the Callaway uPro is perfect to carry around in your pocket.

2. High Accuracy: The uPro GPS provides the most accurate distances in such short time which makes it very easy for golfers to make the perfect shot. With its capacity to bring the exact figure, it gives the actual image of the location. With the green view, small numbers in the surroundings can also be read with accuracy.

3. Dual Operating Modes(PRO MODE): The Callaway uPro is made to work in dual modes. These are the Pro Mode and the Basic Mode. The Pro Mode provides accurate visualization of every golf hole in the course. It give you three distinct views of the hole you are playing. The first is the preferable and the probable landing area of he hole in play. The second is the zoomed in image of the green that you are about to play and the third is the zoomed out image of the entire hole from tee to the green. The Pro Mode includes the MARK SHOT which allows you to measure any or all shots that you play. So you can basically know how far you hit each club. The Pro Mode also has the MEASURE MODE. This uses the “anypoint” technology by which you can select any point on the hole and the Callaway uPro tells you how far it is from that point to where you are to take that point and also how far it is to the green. This feature is useful when you want to lay up to a certain distance. The feature is like having a Rangefinder without needing the line of sight. This will surely change standards in the market for uPro’s.

4. Dual Operating Modes(BASIC MODE): The BASIC MODE offered by the Callaway uPro is the standard option. There is the Hazard view, which shows distances to hazards on the hole in play and the distance you need to clear them. The Green view shows distances to the center, back and front of the green in play.

5. Main features: There are preloaded courses in the uPro which makes it very user friendly. The device is very simple to use. When approaching a hole, you will get a flyover view which includes yardage distances from the green to different parts in the fairway. The satellite lock in is probably the fastest of any golf GPS you can find in the market. The flyovers are amazing when you are playing a course for the first time as they give a much better overview. To download courses onto the Pro mode, you only have to plug in the uPro into a computer via the USB and you can access your online account to download new courses.

6. Additional features: The Callaway uPro runs on a built in lithium battery that provides about 12 hours of power. It gets the signals from more satellites than any other Golf GPS device. The uPro deivce is extremely attractive and easy to use with one hand. Also, if both your hands are busy, there is a voice activation option too! The uPro may be used as a digital score card so you can look back on your previous games.

7. Well balanced Pricing: The price of the device is well within the acceptable standards of golf players. It comes at around $399.0. The courses though, have to be purchased on a pay per course mode. 1 course is for $10, 5 courses for $ 40, 10 for $ 60 and 50 courses for $ 120. this may seem expensive at first, but compared to the number of courses you play, you will find the pricing well worth it.

8. Easy Interfacing: The Callaway uPRo interfaces easily with MAC and Windows. Windows Vista also interfaces without much problem.

9. Great Customer help: The Callaway uPRo might take some time to get used to, but with extremely helpful customer service, you will be guided to on whatever issues that you have to work the device. Check online and you can contact online help center to get tips and operating instructions.

10. Overall Experience: The experience provided by Callaway uPro rangefinder GPS is beyond description. Compared with the other rangefinders, this device is the best in terms of features, playing feel, sophistication, easy viewing, pricing, back up battery and many more. The device will automatically list out the nearest golf courses to your location.

The Callaway uPro GPS is very powerful and is gaining fast popularity among all dedicated golfers. A range of more elegant features are set to be added on the existing device very soon. Easily the best offer in the market among all other GPS devices, there is no doubt Callaway uPRo rangefinder will bet competition hands down.

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