Ecuador’s Rainforests

Most adventure loving people are clearly aware of the renowned Galapagos Islands that give information about the early sign of the origin of the earth. But, few of them actually know the country of Ecuador is also a home to great South America rainforest area. In fact the country’s entire Eastern half is jungle and navigated by some of prominent rivers of the continent as well.

Ecuador’s “Oriente”
Oriente is the eastern region situated in the Amazon Basin. Being located in the Ecuador, Oriente can be definitely means “get back to nature.” The South American jungle which is located in the Amazon Basin is universally known as largest and densest rainforest of the region. The region contains diverse species of plants and animals than any other rainforest area in the world. Extremely beautiful, dense and magical – the Ecuadorian rainforest holds so many surprises for tourists who come here to get a glimpse of beauty of the nature. The rainforest has many hues and the greenery of the jungle symbolizes a rich and abundance life in the region.

Rainforest Wildlife:
The region has more variants in both plant and animal than you may imagine. Estimates clearly reveal that the jungle has over 1,000 species of fish and about 400 species of reptiles and amphibians that runs smoothly in the Amazon Basin. In addition there are cayman, freshwater dolphins, and manatees living in this environment, increasing the count further.

If you are a die-hear adventure loving person, a trip to Ecuador is must for you.

To learn more, please visit Amazon rainforest expeditions and get the details about Haciendas Ecuador.

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