Bank of America Claims Inaccurate or Faulty Documents Don’t Show Homeowner

Banks are not above the law, but they will try to operate as if they are.  Here’s the latest:  Bank of America has claimed that a couple from Indiana really doesn’t have a case against them for robo-signed foreclosure documents.  Why?  Because the family, according to BofA, didn’t try to do anything to stop the foreclosure, thus they can’t prove the bank “harmed” them.  Now, here’s the real question:  Is it true?  Are people really just not making their payments and ignoring all those letters and phone calls and then letting the bank take their home?  In the main, no– they are all over it, trying desperately to resolve the situation and save their home.  It is just their word against the banks.

People who use the services provided by Tila Solutions accumulate plenty of proof of all the harm the bank’s loan has caused them, all the actions they took to try and stop a foreclosure, and their proof of this begins with the Forensic Audit and Securitization Audit.

Plenty of Attorneys for lenders have been caught lying to judges in the past, claiming that homeowners never attempted to apply for loan mods, even though the homeowner had tried for months!  There are countless reports of homeowners who never even received a notice of default, but only learned that their home was no longer theirs when the Sherriff came to evict them.

The whole, “You can’t prove that we harmed you” is a rather fascinating development that homeowners would be wise to do something about.  What proof do homeowners have that they have taken every effort to try and prevent the bank from harming them?  Seriously, if the homeowner is the only one working directly with the bank (which is the way banks and government prefer you work), it becomes his word against the banks.  Seems the bank normally comes out the winner.   Tila staff have investigated so many predatory loans to date that there is no doubt anymore of the banks harming the people.

You don’t see too many banks claiming that they “harmed” a person because of their predatory loans either.  Unless an independent company investigates the bank, you can count on the bank brushing the whole predatory loan, or right to foreclose (where’s the note) under the carpet and out of your view.

Your property is being stolen from you by banks that claim they can prove they have not harmed you and it is ok to have fraudulent foreclosure documents because you were missing your payments anyway!  It’s hard not to compare that to some justification a child might use, such as:  it was ok for the child to eat all the cookies because nobody else was—clearly nobody was harmed!


  • Usually homeowners are missing payments on loans that were designed to fail.  Forensic Loan Audits consistently prove this. That right there is a lot of harm to the homeowner.
  • Most homeowners are being told to stop making payments by banks to qualify for loan modifications.  That is more harm to the homeowner.
  • Most homeowners are being stalled with “lost paperwork,”  “didn’t get your fax,” and other ridiculous antics from lenders during the loan mod process while the lender proceeds with foreclosure.  Homeowners are often waiting for more than a year to get a loan mod – the amount of missed payment being added to a loan benefits the lender and harms the homeowner.
  • Most homeowners who are being foreclosed upon are being foreclosed upon by a bank that doesn’t even own the note and/or has the deed rightfully assigned.  That is the final bit of harm. Of course a Securitization Audit proves this.

But if you don’t have somebody working as an authorized third party on your behalf, how do you prove any of it?  If you don’t have a Forensic Audit of the original loan the lender gave you done, how do you prove the harm they are guilty of from the very moment they created that loan for you?  If you don’t get a Securitization Audit done to show whether or not the lender can even foreclose upon you, how do you prove that they can’t take your home?

Even more important than proof is the fact that if you get a company like Tila Solutions involved on your behalf, then more than likely you won’t need to think about what you have to prove and can’t.  You can just think about how you were one of the lucky few who actually escaped the bank oppression and still have your home.

You have to take care of matters and protect yourself and your family.  The bank isn’t there to help you.  They are there to protect their financial bottom line.  They have proven repeatedly that they look out for number one, and that is not you.

Tila Solutions looks out for you.  Their audits will prove you were wronged and they will use those audits to help you get a loan mod.  A Tila Solutions Consultant is available for people by telephone at  (702) 508-0335.  Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at .  They will help you and your family.  They are on your side.

Tags: BofA, Bank of America loan mod, loan modification, foreclose, foreclosure, Tila Solutions, Tila, loan, audit, fraud, forensic loan audit, predatory loan, notice of default, Securitization Audit

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