Teeth Replacement

If you have lost a tooth, there are reasons why you need to know about missing tooth replacement. While a missing tooth distracts from a nice appearance, this is only one problem. One missing tooth can affect your ability to eat and chew properly. It can also lead the teeth in the surrounding areas to shift out of place. Replacing a missing tooth will make you look better, but it is not only for cosmetic purposes.

Although there can be various reasons for tooth loss like a periodontal disease, an injury, aging, etc. with the advance development in the field of dental science, missing tooth is no longer a cause of embarrassment. The best way to overcome this problem is a tooth replacement. Nowadays there are various single, multiple, front tooth replacement options available that can help to restore the healthy look of your teeth as well as keep your teeth from having any other dental problem due to a missing or broken teeth.

Types of Tooth Replacement Options:

If you have lost several teeth, getting a set of dentures often is the most viable replacement option. With the loss of a single tooth, however, there are more options, and the decision is not quite so clear-cut. Single-tooth replacement options vary by cost, appearance and procedure. The four basic multiple or single tooth replacement options include dental implant, fixed bridge, bonded bridge and removable appliances that can surely fix a missing tooth or teeth.

Dental Implants:

Although dental implants are usually more costly than the alternatives, you will not regret it if you decide that an implant is the right option for you. Not only does a good dental implant look completely natural, it is also permanent. You will not need to worry about it falling out, or having to remove it for cleaning, as you will take care of the implant the same as your natural teeth.
A dental implant involves minor dental surgery. You will have an artificial root, with an artificial tooth permanently attached to it. The benefits of dental implants are well worth the cost. Even if your insurance plan does not cover it, the health benefits of a new tooth, the natural appearance, and the convenience all add up to a dental implant being the best option for most people.
In dental implant procedure, a screw made of appropriate surface material (which helps it to fix in the bone) is implanted in the jaw bone at the location of the missing tooth. After healing which usually takes three months or so, a cap or crown is attached to the screw.

Fixed Bridges:

A fixed bridge is the next choice after dental implant for tooth replacement. It is a permanent restoration technique wherein enamel of the adjacent teeth is drilled to take impressions and to construct a permanent bridge across the location where the tooth is missing. This bridge will then hold the artificial tooth in place. A bridge is usually less expensive than implants, and is a satisfactory option for most people.

Bonded Bridges:

It is a temporary tooth restoration method that may last somewhere between one to ten years of time. After taking an impression of the adjacent teeth, the bridge is formed on the lingual or palatal side (the side that touches the palate or tongue) of the teeth.

Removable Appliance:

A removable appliance is the least costly option for replacing a missing tooth. While many people do choose this option primarily due to its cost-effective nature, it is also the least satisfactory option. If your main reason for getting a tooth replacement is to make eating and chewing easier, you may find that a removable appliance is not as secure as you would prefer. It also does not look as good, or as natural, as the alternative methods of tooth replacement.

In addition, a removable appliance must be cared for in a manner similar to standard dentures. If you do not want the bother of cleaning this appliance separately from your natural teeth, you should be prepared for this factor or choose a different method of tooth replacement.

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