Pet Health Insurance – Do You Really Need One For Your Pet?
By : Stephen Whitehouse
Pet health insurance is not on the priority list of many people. However, it’s true that dog owners adore their faithful companion and shower it with food delicacies, toys of the latest variety, take them with pride for fashion shows and may even decide to accompany them to resorts where pets are treated as clients. So if some owners decide to purchase health insurance for their friends it is not surprising. By a rough estimate 3% American dogs enjoy insurance benefits and the graph is increasing annually. Many companies offer pet insurance to employees as a benefit.
Longer Life spans and Better pet Medicine
The longevity of pets has gone up because of betterment in veterinary services. Refined and advanced technology help detect symptomatic details of disease in initial stages which was impossible up till a few years ago. Mercy killing was the answer to many undetected illnesses which is not so now. Even among the certain pets like dogs it is possible to give treatment like open heart surgery, radiation, pacemaker implants, kidney transplant, dialysis, etc. It is true such treatments give a long leach of painless life to pets but its exorbitant cost is beyond the means of many owners. Pet insurance can solve this dilemma for the owners.
What pet health Insurance Plans Offer?
The market is flooded with companies that propose pet insurance. The plan taken decides the premium. There are illness policies, accidental policies and comprehensive schemes. Immunization, preventive treatment, regular check-ups etc are covered under the schemes. Many factors influence the premium slab. These variables include age, breed, pedigree, and way of life, locality of residence, prior health history, and coverage option taken. A typical policy works out to be of $25-$30 every month. Not many companies insure pets beyond a decade. As of now Veterinary Pet Insurance Company claims to be pioneer in pet heath insurance scheme. However North American pet owners prefer to use the services of Pet Care Pet Insurance Company.
Some points to consider
Pet owners contemplating pet insurance coverage need to research on a few variables offered by insurance companies before a final decision-
Does the insurance company permits alternative vet
- The duration of the waiting period
- Premium break-ups and concessions
- Policy coverage items and those outside the preview
- Claim honoring time frame
- The certified authentic company details
In search of facts and figures many dog owners visit; is a company that not only gives the latest update, data of insurance but also reviews of other dog owners to make you wiser.
Is Pet Insurance Right For You?
Senior the pet more the complication and equally expensive is the treatment. Probably the owner should do a little introspection:
- How would I handle an expensive dog treatment?
- Would I be able to tolerate mercy killing, but would the best treatment save its life?
- Do I have the resources for expensive treatment?
If economic tally of premium paid and claim made is done you may find yourself a loser but remember pet is not about economics it’s about emotions and well being.
About Author :
Stephen Whitehouse from writes about Health Insurance For more information about Health Insurance visit