Most Common Acupuncture Body Points

Acupuncture body points are used for two primary purposes. The first is to treat a specific ailment within the body, such as headaches, constipation and a sore throat. The other purpose is to open up the various meridians within the body, so that energy can flow freely for optimum health. Early Chinese medicine identified 365 acupuncture body points; the same number as the days in the year. Over time, acupuncture has been revised somewhat as new information becomes available. This has increased the number of body points that can be used for treatment. However, many acupuncturists still stick with the tried and true points, focusing on a select few that work on a number of different complaints.

Digestive Disorders
Acupuncture body points can be used to treat a host of digestive issues, and the specific point used will depend on the precise symptoms a patient is experiencing. The body point for the stomach meridian is located on the front of the leg, just below the knee. The body point for the large intestine meridian is found on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger. The body point for the spleen, located on the inner leg above the ankle, is another one of the common acupuncture body points used to treat a variety of digestive complaints.

Recurrent headaches are a common reason for many to seek acupuncture treatment. Two of the most common acupuncture body points used to treat headaches include a point on the gallbladder meridian and one on the liver meridian. The gallbladder body point is found at the base of the skull and the liver point is located on top of the foot between the first and second toes. Another common body point used for headaches is the governing vessel point, which is located at the top of the head. This body point is also used to treat mental disorders like vertigo and speech difficulties.

Cardiac Disorders
There are even acupuncture body points to address different cardiac disorders, such as heart palpitations and heart disease. The first is the pericardium meridian, with a body point at the inner arm above the wrist. This body point is also used for nausea and vomiting. The other, the heart meridian, is located on the outer side of the wrist. In addition to treating cardiac issues, this body point can address mental disorders like insomnia or absent mindedness.

By choosing the proper acupuncture body points, your acupuncturist can treat you for a host of ailments. However, it is important to choose an acupuncturist who is experienced in this science to ensure your acupuncture treatments address your specific issues.

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