Calm Down
This is something we might hear someone tell us if we are yelling or our voices begin to get a little higher pitched than normal. When your heart starts to beat real fast you might tell yourself to calm down or take it easy especially if you aren’t running or doing anything physical that would cause it. But what if the constant beating of your heart is only the beginning of an anxiety attack?
How Do I Know if I Am Having an Anxiety Attack?
What does an anxiety attack feel like? Imagine yourself feel as if your heart is going to leap out of your chest or as if you can’t breathe. You can’t catch your breath and you might feel dizzy or even have a headache. What does an anxiety attack feel like? Something like what was described before but also you might feel nauseous at the site of food or even if food is mentioned. What does an anxiety attack feel like? An anxiety attack feels like your world is crashing down and you have no way of stopping it. It feels like you will die and no one or nothing can prevent it, not even you. What does an anxiety attack feel like? As if the walls are closing in on you and you must find a way out. It feels like you are drowning and you don’t know how to swim. What does an anxiety attack feel like? You have a fear that something bad is going to happen or is already taking place. You think you or your loved ones will be harmed or taken away from you in some fashion. What does an anxiety attack feel like? You are paralyzed with fear and you feel out of control. You feel like you have no say of what happens to you and you begin to feel hopeless. Your body responds to this and heightens the fear. It is a natural response but it doesn’t help the feelings of fear. What does an anxiety attack feel like? It feels like sheer and utter hell. But you have to understand that you are not alone and that there is treatment out there. First thing to do is try to calm down and realize that you won’t die and that you yourself are making the situation worse. Breathe in and out deeply and let that anxiety wash through you. Then you need to seek the help of a physician.
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