Types of Anxiety Disorders
With the increasing prominence of anxiety disorders and the number of afflictions, it is imperative that we understand the different types of common anxiety disorders. The rudimentary knowledge on this area can help you in having the triggers and the likelihood of getting into this disorder at bay with ease.
Variants of Anxiety Disorder
GAD: GAD refers to Generalized Anxiety disorder. This ailment entails the anxiousness and delusive fear about anything and everything in life. Unceasing worrying about even the trivial things in life is characterized as GAD.
Performance Anxiety disorder: Test anxiety is one common form of this variant. The anxiousness, nervousness and pressure to perform well and excel in the forthcoming challenge that can be a test, interview, running race, solo on stage or even a performance at a music concert induces this type of disorder.
Panic Attacks: Sudden short or lengthy episodes of inexplicable anxiousness, nervousness and tension are characterized as panic attacks. It entails the fear of an unnatural catastrophe that is highly unlikely in reality. Nausea, headaches, loss of breath, paleness on face, persisting confusions and shivers are the insinuators of panic attacks.
Phobias: The fear of certain objects or certain activities is popularly refereed to as phobia. This fear manifests itself as a disorder with time. Agoraphobia, the fear of a place from where you cannot imagine coming out and social anxiety disorder, the fear of undergoing an embarrassing public examination are the couple of common phobias that come in the category of anxiety disorders. Yet another common phobia is acrophobia which is the fear of heights.
Obstructive Compulsive Disorder: This is one of the psychological conditions where in the individual tends to perform a ritual compulsively and repetitively with the aim of keeping the unlikely imminent harm at bay. The root cause or the reason for this repetitive compulsory ritual is often unknown.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): The anxiety disorder that sets in due to bitter experiences of trauma is other wise called as post traumatic stress disorder. Serious accidents and rapes are examples of trauma, the chronic/prolonged exposure to which leads to anxiety disorders.
Anxiety Disorder due to Separation: The loss of a beloved one, movement to different geographical location or a beloved relationship breakup can induce anxiousness related to the separation, which is termed as the separation anxiety disorder.
Whatever be the variant you get into, it is important to understand the type and get treated appropriately on time.
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