SEO Services | SEO Tips And Tricks

History of SEO and SEO Services is as old as internet. Optimizing began by content suppliers and webmasters during mid 1990s. It used to be a difficult and complex process previously. Following points will explain how optimization was done at that time.

. Web site creator or owner used to submit the address of his website to search engine owner.

. Search engine owner used to download that page at his own server computer.

. A software program named “indexer” was used to take out following information from that web page.

What all words are used in the page
Location of these words on the page.
Any particular words.
Links on the page.

At last, the page used to be placed into a scheduler for “crawling”.

Soon after launching of internet, it became very popular amongst masses all around the world. Webmasters sensed the smell of great potential of business through internet and acknowledged the value of high ranked websites. This recognition by web site owners, gave an opportunity to SEO practitioners. In 1997, SEO (search engine optimization) was recognized for the first time.

After the launch of SEO, it started developing at a fairly rapid rate. Each day brought a new technology and new idea in the field of SEO. In 1998, Google was launched and it revolutionized the world of internet. Earlier a simple technique of searching through keywords was used by the search engines. In next step, mathematical algorithm was introduced. It gave a boost to SEO industry and generated a string competition amongst different companies providing SEO services.

A wide range of unrevealed and secret factors was incorporated in ranking algorithms by the search engine owners. This tendency of using undisclosed factors was observed in 2004. In coming years, each search engine started striving hard to provide maximum attractive services and options to its users. Google remained top of the list in this race and has attracted a matchless loyal following.

Today, users’ satisfaction and ease is considered the most important factor for success of any product and service. With each passing moment new ways are being used by SEO organizations to attract maximum number of users. It seems as they have understood that it is not the quantity, but the quality which matters.

If you’re looking for seo services visit our website for more details!

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