Creating a Well-Rounded Business Card

Modern technology seems to have brought the paper industry into extinction—well almost. The newspapers and magazines have now been replaced by online magazines, books now replaced by eBooks, and the Yellow Pages replaced by search engines. There seems to be no end to the innovation modern technology brings to the 21st century.

But despite all the fuss on digital technology, there is one area in the paper industry that seems oblivious to all these changes—the business cards. Maybe one of these days the business cards will be totally replaced by digital cards, but for now these cards will remain as effective as it is today in trading information with people. A captivating, engaging, and well designed business card will remain a standard marketing tool to every business today. Now that these cards are still trendy, you might as well make the most of its use. Let’s touch on a few ways to create a well-rounded business card.

What’s the purpose? Before doing anything with your business card, the first thing you must do is decide on the purpose of your cards. Obviously, your initial purpose is to exchange contact information with people. But to some businesses, there is more to contact information that their business cards share. For instance, a photographer or designer would need their potential clients to see samples of their work before they can get hired. To them their business cards will serve as the main material that will direct their prospects to their websites where their portfolio is presented.

Be simple. It is very simple to get carried away with the design of your business card. Many business owners, especially those on a tight budget tend to maximize their budget and overstuff their card design. This can lead to information overload as they try to stuff everything from contact info, product listing, mission statements, and others. The reasoning behind this is that the more information people know about the business, the better the chance of getting more sales. But the truth is overstuffing can only result in ineffective business card. With that said, it is important to keep your business card design simple. As much as possible, design your card only with important information. You only have a small space where to put your information, and you don’t need to fill all that space with the life story of your company.

Study your target market. In designing your card, you need to keep your customer’s need in mind. Remember that you need to make a good first impression to them, so it is important that the logo, images, contact details, and all other elements of your business card is well thought of. Use high quality paper stock, classy typeface, and high resolution photos in your business card templates. Be creative and professional. The point here is to know your target customers, determine their preferences, and know the style that appeal to them.

Be unique. To attract attention and make a good impression, you need your business card to be out of the ordinary. If your card is unique, people will be enticed to check you out and pass along your card. If you are able to encourage your prospects to do this, your profitable customers can go from one to fifty or more. A business card that is truly unique will surely let you reach a large market.

More tips and information’s on how to make winning business cards can be found at online printing business cards.

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