More About the Author "AbbyCann"

Author Nick: AbbyCann
Name: Abby Cann
About the Author: Abby Cann is working with tech webmasters and writing and sharing articles for many clients and he enjoys his profession as tech writer.

Articles by AbbyCann :

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Expat’s in Ireland Hope for the Luck of the Irish in Living There

This discusses the life of an Expat in Ireland. Ireland is a large tourist attraction and sees many foreigners coming to visit on a regular basis. Ireland is a destination hotspot for both tourists and expat Ireland persons alike. Not only is Ireland bustling with culture and history, it is also the home of a […]

Becoming an Expat in Andorra

Andorra opens their arms to many and gives them the perfect place to explore. Andorra is a tiny, hidden self-governed country nestled between France and Spain that was unknown to Europeans for the longest time. However, in these days Andorra is known to have a thriving tourist economy. Many people are visiting and moving to […]

Expats in Nauru Find that Living Conditions are Not Necessarily Stellar

Nauru, known as the republic of Nauru, is a beautiful, but small, island located in the South Pacific. Having a land mass area of 21 square kilometers, there’s no contest to its status of being the smallest republic in the world. It’s no wonder that it was once called pleasant island as it is encased […]

Expats Living in Hong Kong

There is a lot of information that expats need to know before moving to Hong Kong. Learning the language and customs are just the tip of the ice berg. Hong Kong, officially known as Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, had long been a popular destination for expats, even before […]

All You Need to Know About Expat Package

Regardless of whether you are the employer or the assignee, you must consider the following points in designing an attractive expat package. For employers, you must remember that not all employees are happy to take up an overseas assignment especially when they have a family to consider and / or a phobia of living and […]