More About the Author "Alexandra"

Author Nick: Alexandra
Name: Alexandra Burke
About the Author: Reading, thinking and writing is my passion. I like to write on a variety of topics. I am very much thankful to my colleague Nate Rodnay for guiding me in writing and reach to this stage.

Articles by Alexandra :

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Understanding Bone Grafting Techniques that Enable Dental Implants

Loss of Jawbone (not just teeth!) is a serious consideration When a tooth (or group of teeth) is lost due to various reasons, the tooth bearing element of the jaw bone is lost in an ongoing way with the passing of time. Dental implants can prevent further bone loss and deterioration, and help in maintaining […]

Kitchen Marble Countertops: To Use or Not To Use, That Is The Question

Some of the most beautiful kitchen countertops are created with Marble slabs. The classic color combinations and beautiful veining make the stone highly sought after. Traditionally, marble has been widely used in bathrooms and on furniture tops because of its delicate nature and artistic qualities. Since the Greek and Roman eras, marble has been known […]

Dental Health Care for Diabetes Patients

The maintenance of proper oral health care is important in ensuring that one is as far away as possible from dental problems. Those with diabetes should be doubly careful in making sure that their dental health is taken care of in the best way possible, because dental problems can result in further complications when combined […]

Choose Professional Indemnity Insurance to Ensure Smooth Business Operations

Professionals are expected to perform as per the standards of the professional bodies under law. They are likely to face legal liability if they fail to abide by the standards of code of conduct in their profession. Under such situations, they are in need of a support that can help them face the subsequent loss […]

Proper Maintenance Ensures Longevity of Your Pre-Owned Vehicle

Used vehicles are much better from the stand point of value for your money. A properly maintained pre-owned car should lead you to the same comfort as that of a new one. Keeping that in mind, once you choose to invest in a pre-owned vehicle, it is important to take certain points into account when […]