More About the Author "Alexandra"

Author Nick: Alexandra
Name: Alexandra Burke
About the Author: Reading, thinking and writing is my passion. I like to write on a variety of topics. I am very much thankful to my colleague Nate Rodnay for guiding me in writing and reach to this stage.

Articles by Alexandra :

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How the Size of Your Tire Affects Your Car

Tires are one of the most important parts of your vehicle. Without them driving your car would be virtually impossible. Unfortunately, most drivers don’t pay much attention to their tires, outside of the state of their tire’s treads. Many drivers don’t know that the size of their tires can have significant effects on their car. […]

Using Online Promotions to Attract Consumers to Your Dealership

Using promotions like sales, special deals or contests is old hat in the automotive industry. In the competitive atmosphere of local automotive dealerships, dealerships will often try to outdo one another by having the best deals in town. Another way dealerships will promote their products is through contests or raffles. Historically the only way dealerships […]

When you should Call Roadside Assistance

Unfortunately there are times where your car just won’t work properly. When this happens drivers can become panicked and wonder what they should do. The decision always comes down to calling 911 or roadside assistance. Often stranded motorists that are in no imminent danger will call 911. This can preoccupy already busy emergency responders and […]

How Driving a Car With a Diesel Engine Can Save You Money

Many people don’t think about their engine when it comes time to buy a new car. Though some more informed car buyers will spend several hours researching the engine that will be in their new car, most consumers look at one important piece of data when buying a new vehicle: price. Ultimately, for most, the […]

Features that Can Make Your Site Search Engine Friendly

As search engines are critical for listing your website for your business related search queries, it becomes important to build websites that abide by the search engine rules. The web design should enable the search engines to easily crawl through the website and rank it based on its quality. So, in order to make your […]