More About the Author "Alexandra"

Author Nick: Alexandra
Name: Alexandra Burke
About the Author: Reading, thinking and writing is my passion. I like to write on a variety of topics. I am very much thankful to my colleague Nate Rodnay for guiding me in writing and reach to this stage.

Articles by Alexandra :

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How to Choose a Professional Real Estate Agency in Barbados

The services of a realtor can be extremely advantageous and you are encouraged to seek out their expertise when it is time to buy or rent a property, sell your home or have it managed. Don’t be afraid to ask a plethora of questions, as you are putting all of your hope in someone you hardly […]

Vitamin C for Colds and Flu

In the United States, five to 20 percent of Americans get flu every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). About 200,000 people are hospitalized due to flu complications including high fever, dehydration and fatigue. More than a billion around the world catch the common cold every year. Whenever the cold and flu […]

Benefits of Local SEO for Small Businesses

A bulk of revenue for small businesses comes from its local area. Businesses must streamline their marketing strategies and efforts in such a way that the local market is thoroughly covered. Local Search Engine Optimization is a reliable marketing tool that gives business a feasible option to increase sales from its local area. A study […]

How Can an Automotive Business Benefit from Online Display Advertisements?

Display advertisement is considered as one of the most successful advertising strategy on Internet. According to the latest IAB report, online display advertising market represented 37% ($5.5 billion) of the total online advertising market during the first six months of 2011. Among the various forms of online display ads, banner ads constituted for majority of […]

Improve your Article Readership Using an Effective Tag

Have you ever wondered why even some well written articles fail to attract the desired audience? Do you know what goes into making more number of people read your content? Tagging your article with an appropriate word or phrase is the answer. It helps you in effectively showcasing your article and helps readers in easy […]