More About the Author "BallifSower"

Author Nick: BallifSower
Name: Cosgrave Lizzie
About the Author: I love to get out and about on the beach and surf.

Articles by BallifSower :

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How Can I Get Out of Credit Card Debt?

Over the last two years as a university student, I’d spent a lot of time in credit card debt. As a student in Singapore, I made a mistake of getting a secured credit card from a bank, by putting down $10,000 as collateral in a fixed deposit account. That $10,000 was my hard earned money […]

Simple Steps For Getting Out Of Debt

Being debt-free is a dream for most of us. Imagine no credit card bills or monthly payments. And yet more people are in debt today than ever before. It seems like living on credit is the only solution to keep your head above water in the current financial climate. However, getting out of debt is […]

Debt Consolidation: How to Consolidate Loans to Get Out of Debt

Debt consolidation offers a way to get out of debt. Nevertheless, loan consolidation doesn’t work for most people. In a few years, they end up in more debt. Let’s now find how you can use debt consolidation to manage your debt issues and ultimate escape from the rot. What is Debt Consolidation? With debt consolidation, […]

What is Time-Barred Debt

Each state has a time limit, or statute of limitations, on the amount of time that a debt collector can attempt to collect a debt. This is what is meant by time-barred debt, in most states the limit is seven years, but you should check the limitations within your state. What does a time-barred debt […]

Debt Advice and Debt Help

When you are unable to make the full payments due on your credit cards on time, you’ll start to get phone calls from your creditors. This is often a no-win situation. If you ignore the calls they just keep on calling, but if you answer them,they ask for payments that you have no way of […]