More About the Author "BurtnerGoehring214"

Author Nick: BurtnerGoehring214
Name: Sidoti Winokur
About the Author: I love writing articles and blogging, it's a lot of fun

Articles by BurtnerGoehring214 :

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Alcohol Problems In The Elderly Communities

As a society, we share a complicated history with alcohol. During the later part of the 19th century, politicians, women’s groups, and churches banded together to convince lawmakers to outlaw alcohol. In 1919, the U.S. Congress passed the 18th Amendment, making the sale and distribution of alcohol illegal. Alcohol consumption declined but did not prevent […]

Alcohol and it’s Effects on the Brain

Alcohol can make you laugh or it can make you cry, it can make you lively or make you sleepy, it can boost your confidence or make you act the fool. How can alcohol have all these different effects on people? If we want to know how alcohol affects our moods and behaviors we must […]

The best luxury hotels often occupy the prime real estate in a country

If you are very fortunate, you will have experienced the creature comforts of the best luxury hotels or luxury resorts. The criterion for luxury differs from person to person but there are a few elements which are commonly defined as luxury by most people. The best luxury hotels and resorts are a haven of splendor […]

Promote Your Business With Free Business Cards

Why free business card design tips? To make a point! Free offers attract Customers and keep their attention! But how does that apply to business cards? Shouldn’t cards give customers the contact information about your business! Wrong! Business cards should give your customers a reason to remember and use your business, if not it will […]

Lombard Risk’s management team comprises experts in their respective fields…

John Wisbey is the CEO of Lombard Risk, which he has led since its launch in 1989 with the introduction of OBERON, one of the industry’s original software systems for financial instrument valuation and risk management. John has guided the company’s organic growth through the creation and development of several successful products, initially OBERON, followed […]
