More About the Author "CrisRobertson"

Author Nick: CrisRobertson
Name: Cris Robertson
About the Author: Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.

Articles by CrisRobertson :

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Finish Your Look with Vintage Jewelry and Designer Handbags

No outfit is truly finished without the right accessories. If your look is classically inspired or has a vintage hook to it, then you should be looking for vintage jewelry pieces and designer handbags that add the little edge of kitsch that makes your outfit unique. What kind of accessories does your outfit need? Consider […]

The Ultimate Streak Free Cleaning Cloth Keeps Everything Sparkling

Newspapers to clean windows without leaving streaks. Paper towels to prevent spreading germs around in dirty dishcloths. Chamois cloths to polish the car without scratching the surface. Soft flannels to clean my glasses and LCD monitor screens – does that sound like your cleaning supply closet too? How would you like to toss out all […]

Five Reasons to Get Multiple Car Insurance Quotes

One of the most common bits of advice you’ll get if you’re trying to find cheap auto insurance is to get multiple car insurance quotes before making a decision. Comparison shopping is one of the best ways to find the lowest price and the best service for any product or service, but getting multiple car […]

What Does a Travel Photographer Do?

There’s a joke that makes the rounds in communities and discussion boards where photography enthusiasts gather: what’s the difference between a travel photographer and a tourist who goes on vacation and takes a lot of pictures? The travel photographer gets paid to do it. While that might be a little simplistic, it is the easiest […]

How to Choose Voltage Converters for Your Travel Needs

If you travel for business or pleasure, you may have been warned that you can’t use your electronics or electrical appliances overseas. Because electrical standards differ from one region to another, appliances and devices designed to operate in one region may not work if you plug them into the outlet in another region. Voltage converters […]