More About the Author "CristianStan"

Author Nick: CristianStan
About the Author: Find the best pressure washers and top dishwashers reviews on Squidoo.

Articles by CristianStan :

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Reiki Attunement Defined

During the 1980s, the word “attunement” was used when talking about opening someone’s pathway to universal energy. The official definition is being in harmony or the feeling of being one with another being. In order to be at harmony with anything, there must be balance within as well as existing in a receptive state. This […]

Comprehending Reiki Therapy

There are a lot of people that have heard the term Reiki but may not know exactly what that term means in practical use. There are some people that think Reiki is some kind of religion like Buddhism or Hinduism. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Reiki is not a religion at all, although […]

What is a Travelling Nurse?

The medical field is constantly looking for nurses but there is a chance that you have never heard of a travelling nurse. If you would love to have a career in the nursing field but you still love the idea of travelling, then this just might be the career you want to look into. A […]

The Good and Bad Aspects of a Nurse Practitioner

No matter what career path you choose, you will find that there are good and bad points to that career. The same thing holds true to becoming a nurse practitioner. A lot of careers will have its ups and downs that will cause you to rethink your choice from time to time and there are […]

Should You Become a Nurse?

A lot of people may not realize just how important nurses are to everyday society. Nurses are constantly taking care of people with everything from a cold to broken bones and terminal illnesses. These brave and compassionate people do everything they can to help those in need, and you are just a few years away […]