More About the Author "Daniel Stouffer"

Author Nick: DanielStouffer
Name: Daniel Stouffer

Articles by Daniel Stouffer :

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SEC Carbon Disclosure Is Unequivocal

Amazingly, some organizations still consider corporate sustainability to be a buzzword and are just not “with it” when it comes to far-reaching implications. There is potential trouble ahead for these organizations and they could well be doomed to failure unless they realize that they need to educate themselves quickly and take action right now. This is far from being just an issue for “green” activists and is a matter of corporate life or death.

The Environment is Relying on a Cap and Trade Carbon System

We have come to realize that it is time to turn our attention to reparation, rather than to continue our conspicuous consumption of energy and fossil fuels. We can now see what damage has been caused to our environment due to this excess consumption and must make sure that we do not further contribute. Over the decades, greenhouse gas emissions have combined to present a significant threat to our very future.