More About the Author "Destiny78"

Author Nick: Destiny78
Name: Kari Farmer
About the Author: I'm on a journey of self growth and I'm sharing what I learn.

Articles by Destiny78 :

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Tips To Create Balance in Your Life

I grew up around unbalanced parents. My mom was a workaholic and my dad enjoyed sitting in front of the TV. I now know that in order to be happy you have to have some sort of balance in your life – which my parents didn’t have and haven’t managed to find. I think that […]

Help For Your Marriage May Be Just Around The Corner

When your marriage is in trouble and has come to a standstill then you need to go out and get help. You obviously can not fix the situation on your own, or it would be fixed, and fixing the issues is the only way to get on the road to having a healthy and happy […]

Want Your Ex Boyfriend Back? Don’t Get Blinded by Emotions!

If you are starting to feel as though you are just pushing your ex-boyfriend away instead of winning the game of getting him back then this is for you! I’ve got a get your ex back tip that will not only help you get him back, but help you not push him away forever! Get […]

What To Do When Your Ex Wants You Back

It’s okay to be excited when your ex starts giving you signals that they want to get back together with you, but you don’t want to jump into their arms at the first (or even fourth) sign you see. Maybe your ex has started flirting with you again, or maybe they are just showing more […]

The Mechanics of Your Digestive System

Your body knows when it needs food, and it lets you know when it needs food as well! Your brain and hormones send signals to your mind in the sensation of hunger. Stomach growling, empty feeling in the stomach – they both contribute to the desire to eat, then as you begin to eat your […]