More About the Author "Examestips"

Author Nick: Examestips
Name: lela maike
Site: http://examtips
About the Author: internet marketer

Articles by Examestips :

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What Does an Independent Financial Advisor Do?

An independent financial advisor or (IFA) helps people or some cases companies use their monetary resources to their best effect. You should have specific financial goals you want to reach in terms of your personal savings and retirement.Everyone’s financial goals are different – for some people it will be to give up work and retire […]

What Is SMSF?

Planning for the future has never been so important, and everyone knows the benefit of insuring your livelihood into old age. Once you’ve hit retirement age you need to live on what you’ve accrued through your working career, which is why the Australian government has been implementing legislation that will eventually see every worker contributing […]

What Is Stock Dilution in a Private Placement Offering

When an investor buy stock in your company, you need to identify what their shares are worth today. Stock dilution occurs when a company decides to raise capital by issuing more stock to new investors. When the “float” (the amount of shares outstanding) is increased, the investors who already own shares now have a smaller […]

What Is The Best Time To Buy Gold?

There are many people out there who think they have missed the boat on investing in gold and silver. Those people just look at the prices back 15+ years ago. Take a gallon of gas for instance – 10+ years ago gas was $.99 per gallon and now we are looking at $4.00. That surge […]

What is the Credit Crunch and How Does it Affect Me?

We’ve all heard the term Credit Crunch all over the news and media recently, but what does it actually mean and how will it affect you? In basic terms, the Credit Crunch is where there is a sudden reduction in the availability of Credit and loans and / or a tightening of conditions and lending […]