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Articles by FIRELEAVES :

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The Assessments for Weaving Imagination into an Academic Framework

I don’t mean to suggest that imaginative work cannot be subjected to the detailed, rigorous assessment that might be applied to literary or rhetorical analysis as long as the rubric makes what is valued explicit. The work of Carolyn Forche and Philip Gerard on creative nonfiction has been an invaluable resource for engaging students in […]

Social Imagination in School

Students can show their capacity to imagine as they craft visions and take actions toward social change. First, adolescents can develop visions of a society less directed by unfair hierarchies, challenging social arrangements (Fine and Weis). Discussions and research opportunities can air “disruptive knowledge,” or stories that provoke students to question accepted beliefs and recognize […]

Read and Revisit: Using Texts to Complicate Problem-Posing and Problem-Solving

Finally, the fourth and last stage involving CPVs is the “read and revisit” level, where students respond to a CPV and then are asked to read a text or texts in which key themes relate directly to the problem or situation that is being considered. After reading and deconstructing the text(s), students are asked to […]

Literary “Two Cows” Stories

The field of economics is noted for using “two cow” stories to explain various economic systems. (Example for fascism: You have two cows. The government takes them both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk.) One day I began thinking, What if “two cow” stories were written by famous literary […]

Living and Learning in the Future

The seven personae are the roles that will give students the dexterity needed to work in the world they will enter in the coming years, where up to 40% of the workforce will be independent consultants (Fisher) and nearly all of the fastest-growing jobs (US Department of Labor) require a complex array of skills that […]