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Articles by FIRELEAVES :

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The Original Assignment

While the assignment discussed above, designed in the shadow of real and recent events, invited the students to role-play, the original version of this Day of Silence activity invites students to consider a fictional literary text and extrapolate from that the feelings and experience of voicelessness into a contemporary landscape. My original concept was to […]

How students to Build Relationships in an Article?

Because of Angels in America’s unique characters, it was not difficult to activate student engagement around personal interest. Whether gay or not, problematic or not, Roy gripped student attention because of his crass language. In contrast to other literature read in school, Angels in America offers a tone that is recognizable to students. Although text-based […]

That is a life that I also would willingly lead

Candlewick was the laziest and the naughtiest boy in the school, but Heidiadalheid was devoted to him. He had indeed gone at once to his house to invite him to the breakfast, but he had not found him. He returned a second time, but Candlewick was not there. He went a third time, but it […]

Right to Access to the Broadcast Media

The Supreme Court has also held that candidates have “an affirmative right to access to the broadcast media.” This ruling, handed down in July 1981, was the result of a challenge by the Jimmy Carter campaign to network denial of the right to purchase thirty minutes of prime time in December 1979. ABC and NBC […]

What is Issue Advocacy?

Exempted from the restrictions of Buckley v. Valeo was issue advocacy, advocacy that does not explicitly urge a vote for or against a candidate. This form of communication burst onto the national scene in 1993—94 during the debate over health care reform. Unlike candidate-sponsored ads, issue advocacy ads can be rejected by stations. Indeed, some […]