More About the Author "GregFors"

Author Nick: GregFors

Articles by GregFors :

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Blaine Chiropractic Care – Treating ADHD and Behavioral Problems without the Drugs!

Behavioral disorders are growing at an alarming rate in the US. For example, ADHD alone is diagnosed in about 8 percent of children aged 4-17, and in about 4.4 percent of adults. Symptoms can appear as early as infancy, but usually onset starts at about seven years of age. A 2008 CDC study found an […]

Blaine Chiropractic Care – Why Do I Always Feel Depressed?

Carol looked across my desk and asked, “Why do I always hurt and feel so tired and depressed?” It’s a question that I hear all the time from patients. Like Carol most have been treated with a wide variety of numerous drugs for fibromyalgia, insomnia, hypothyroidism, but most still had their symptoms and many times […]

Blaine Chiropractic Care – Is Your Body At War With Your Thyroid?

When it comes to your hormone levels, balance is vital. Even small changes in the wrong direction can send multiple systems in your body off kilter. Look no further than your thyroid for a great illustration of this natural rule. Unbalanced levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxine (T4) can affect anything […]

Fat, Fatigued and In Hormonal Hell?

Most people think that they need to lose weight to get healthy when in truth people must first get healthy before their body can properly burn fat and maintain a healthy body shape. Glands in your body secrete various hormones, which act like chemical messengers that affect every organ and control many vital body functions, […]