More About the Author "JamesBroddy"

Author Nick: JamesBroddy

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How an interactive whiteboard can help with learning in schools

It seems that near enough every child these days will have used and be comfortable with using an interactive whiteboard in their school as it seems that most of them will have even a range of whiteboards. They are known for being good for children as they help to keep them involved in the lessons […]

Educational Technology Helping to Boost Learning in the 21st Century

In modern schools there are many subjects now studied, some of which that may not have been taught when many adults were at school, many schools now provide a diverse curriculum including foreign languages, sciences and additional subjects such as sports science and psychology too. As the number of subjects has increased over the years […]

Classroom technology – one giant leap for child-kind

For many adults today, their experiences of using computers in the classroom in their school days would have been severely limited. As recently as the 1990s, it was usual for a school to have a very limited number of computers available for their pupils’ use, and if they were lucky, they would have had the […]

Physiotherapy Sessions can Get you Back Playing in No Time

Avoiding and preventing injuries is just as important as resting and recovering from injuries, so if you play a lot of sport it is important to know of the ways to properly prepare yourself before you play. This usually involves undertaking a warm-up before the match because it is vital to ensure that your muscles […]

Top 5 reasons to choose coach holidays in the UK and to Europe

Coach holidays quite simply offer people of all ages the chance to see parts of the UK and Europe in a comfortable, relaxing and often completely new way. Below are the top five reasons why many people choose to go on coach holidays in the UK and Europe, and why you might enjoy doing the […]