More About the Author "JamesYoon1"

Author Nick: JamesYoon1
Name: James Yoon
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Some trivial information about lower back pain and associated knee pain

Patients suffering from lower back pain are also associated with knee pain. Lumber 5 and Sacral 1st nerve roots are irritated to give rise to these problems as these two nerve roots are supplying most of the muscles crossing the knee or insert near the knee. When hamstring muscles are shorten due to spasm, it […]

Singapore physiotherapy is a great option for patients suffering

Physiotherapy has become a common treatment approach after its immense success in treating patients suffering from musculoskeletal problem. Especially, people suffering from back pain and spinal manifestation are always ready for physiotherapy nowadays due to it’s fame and positive effects. Most of the older people suffer from lower back pain. Due to their negligence and […]

Ways to keep away from Osteoarthritis and Arthritis

For most of us, Osteoarthritis is believed as a problem only found among the elderly people. But, according to the recent scientific researches, this problem is also seen among the children as well. As the scientific researches show, people over 40 years of age are more prone to these problems than the teens. But the […]

Insights of some major causes of back pain

Joint movements are mostly affected in older ages among males and females invariably. Wrist joints, knee joints, shoulder joints are also reported as affected. Patients suffering from back pain or back ache should pay a visit to the orthopedic or expert chiropractor. Usually, there are some common underlying causes of back pain. People usually suffer […]

Some special massage therapies that really work

Massaging has become something more than a casual household art to relax your muscles. People from all over the world have become fans of different kinds of body massages due to the great health effect it exerts. Massage therapy spa is an ancient art developed in many years through number of metamorphic changes. Massage is […]