More About the Author "JamieHanson"

Author Nick: JamieHanson

Articles by JamieHanson :

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Crocs the ideal shoes for spring

As the weather starts to warm up you start to think about getting you spring clothing out and maybe even investing in some new items to give old clothes a bit of a lift. Nothing gives you a lift quite like a new pair of shoes, and this year why not get some shoes that […]

Hiking Clothing Product Review

Getting out in the great outdoors is one of my ultimate pastimes…enjoy the fresh air, walk whilst talking with friends on top of improving your health and happiness with some rigorous exercise. You don’t need very expensive kit to get out in the outdoors for walking and hiking trips but having a few essentials means […]

Blinds for the Bathroom

Your bathroom is the ideal place to use blinds because curtains can easily start to smell damp with all the moisture in the air after a while, so blinds are the ideal alternative. You can pick from a whole range of styles and designs making it an incredibly versatile solution to the bathroom problem. Blinds […]

Get a Mate to Film your Wedding – Specialist Camcorders

On a milestone day such as your wedding day, the financial burden is already going to be building up in more areas than you’d probably anticipated. Instead of spending lots on a professional photographer to come and document your special day, why not ask a friend? Not only will this provide a personal touch to […]

Bike Safety for Children

If you are planning some great family bike trips for the summer it is essential to make sure that the whole family has the necessary bike safety equipment to ensure their safety. This is particularly important for children because they are less likely to be competent on their bike and more likely to fall off […]