More About the Author "JoanneFaye"

Author Nick: JoanneFaye
Name: Joanne Faye
About the Author: A writer who pursues a healthy life in a natural way.

Articles by JoanneFaye :

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8 Ways to a Healthy Lifestyle

When we are making some resolution, we often make a big goal like quit smoking in 2 months time, or lose 20 pound in 8 weeks.  However, it is easier to achieve the goal if we are taking one step a time. Instead of quit smoking immediately, reduce from 1 pack per day to half […]

How to Prepare Antioxidant Foods

Anti-aging has been a great area of research in the development of medical science. One of the key discoveries in anti-aging is the antioxidants. However, antioxidant is not only good for anti-aging but also enhances the immune system, increase the energy level, cardio condition and etc. Since there are so many benefits from antioxidants, where […]

Nutrition Facts about Processed Foods.

Balance nutrition is very important to each and every one of us especially children who is growing up.  Their diet can impact directly the development of the physical well being for long term. However, it is very hard to make children to eat food that they don’t like although it is good for them. Sometimes […]

8 simple ways to Prevent Back Acne

I think there are many of us having trouble with back acne, or in short, bacne. This happens very frequently to teenagers or adult who are going through a period of time with hormone change where the function of sebaceous gland are hyperactive.  When the sebaceous gland is hyperactive, more sebum or oil is produced. […]