More About the Author "JohnL"

Author Nick: JohnL
Name: John Lopez
About the Author: I'm John interested in writing technical, business, software related articles.

Articles by JohnL :

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Enterprise Application Integration Development

Enterprise application integration has always been a challenge, and with the surfacing of new technologies for hosting infrastructure, platform and software across locations integration has become even more demanding and complex. Business needs are constantly changing and the traditional application integration methods do not meet arising challenges, thereby bringing out threats to the agility of […]

Application Delivery Networking: Secure Mode of Application Access

Today’s customer being a techno savvy person or enterprise, demands a host of applications to make their life a more comfortable place. IT professionals’ strife to provide the necessary software applications and upgrades.  However, with the rapid usage of technology, there is an increase in the demand for application. While working to meet the demands, […]

Need of End-to-End Solution to Ensure Information Security

Information security is defined as “The protection of information and information systems against unauthorized access or modification of information, whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against denial of service to authorized users. Information security includes those measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats.”  However, in today’ corporate environment where companies and organizations […]

Buy Mobiles Online: The Simplest To The Sophisticated Under the Same Roof

Communication is vital for the human race and over the years, technological innovations have paved way for the development communication devices to keep us connected. In today’s contemporary techno-savvy world life seems to standstill without mobile phones. The mobile phones today are not just communication devices, but have evolved with a wide range of features. […]

External Hard Disk: Empowering the end-users

The technology enabled business world and corporate sectors have vast amount s of data and information being exchanged through various applications and networks. Being a part of this techno-savvy world, where every bit of information is stored electronically for easy access and transfer, the need of an increased data storage space becomes inevitable. Though the […]