More About the Author "Karen123"

Author Nick: Karen123
Name: Karen Healey
About the Author: a true friend gone but never FORGOTTEN. not a day goes by that i dont miss you! hope your up there putting smiles on everyones faces just like you did when you was her love you♄

Articles by Karen123 :

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The Value of a Good Weight Loss Plan

Because of so many weight loss plan options available, it can be hard to select the right plan for you. There are actually lots of pills available that promise rapid weight loss but rarely seem to work and can have serious consequences in your overall health. Some programs are available where they supply the food […]

Nutritional Diet Vitamin Supplements

While it is vital that you keep a healthy weight, almost everyone has trouble staying healthy on a weight-loss diet. Often, important nutrients for example iron, protein, and vitamins are left out along with other foods, causing us to be more susceptible to disease. To produce up for lost nutrients, there are many nutritional diet […]

A Simple Fitness Plan That Anyone Can Do

Being fit is essential to lead an extended and disease-risk free life. By monitoring food style and physical activity level, one can prevent numerous diseases and health problems. Healthy food gives necessary calories towards the body and regular exercise increases energy levels, builds body strength and helps cope with stress integral to modern lifestyle. Developing […]

Fat-Free Foods, Not A Good Diet

When low to no fat foods first was released available on the market, it was a gold rush. Finally, all of us thought here is the easy diet that will cure North America’s growing obesity rates would come to a screeching halt and people would always again have a waistline! Unfortunately, people have just gotten […]

A New Year Start, Minus The Weight

Routines become ingrained in everyone, and the more a person becomes accustomed to a certain way of doing things, the harder it is to interrupt free of it. With weight gain a significant problem for a lot of people, the idea that the answer is nothing more than “eat less and exercise” feels superficial. Of […]