More About the Author "KateTegS2"

Author Nick: KateTegS2
Name: Kate Sinclair
About the Author: Hi I'm Kate and my home town is Derby in England. I enjoy walking my dog, going to the gym, entertaining, and spending time with friends and family.

Articles by KateTegS2 :

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How To Keep Your Staff Warm And Dry

Spring is finally here, but think back to harsh winters and freezing conditions nearly all security staff wish to forget earlier this year. Spare a thought for the thousands of workers battling with uncertain temperatures such as security guards working night shifts on frost-ridden sites. For many security guards, icy and freezy conditions are a […]

Keep Fresh Look To Your Uniforms At The Same Time As Keeping Down The Price

Today, so much of the news about the economy is miserable. It seems as though the recession is with us to stay – at least for some time – so we are all having to work with what we’ve got. Everyone is feeling the pinch, and this affects all company marketing decisions, whether its advertising […]