More About the Author "Kaybrenner"

Author Nick: Kaybrenner
Name: Kay Brenner
About the Author: Kay Brenner is a PC errors consultant who specializes in restoring your slow PC, saving you time and money wrestling with a sick computer. To reclaim your dream machine you first bought, download a free PC Health Check visit

Articles by Kaybrenner :

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Are You Planning To Buy A Desktop Computer – Stop and Consider

Buying a desktop computer is a considerable investment can be a bit of a gamble, with pros and cons to support the purchase of both new and second equipment. Unless you know what to look for, you could be throwing good money down the drain. No matter whether you intend to purchase new or second […]

Don’t Get Annoyed By PC Errors But Fix Windows Errors And Get Rid Of Your Problem

Have you ever come across a windows user complaining about all the error messages that they are finding difficult to handle. It is not difficult to guess how annoyed they are feeling and how it adds to their frustration when they call up the customer care centre and end up having no solution to their […]

Eliminating PC Errors For Windows XP And Vista Shutdown Errors

At times you might have noticed that when you give instructions to your PC to Shutdown something happens to him. Something scares the hell out of him and he just stalls, seems confused and is just unable to proceed with the shutdown process. It is one of the most common things happening to a computer […]

Dealing with your PC Errors – How to get rid of them and have a dream machine

It will not be an exaggerated statement if one quotes that every PC, sooner or later, is bound to have some errors. Even if it is true then the other truth is, most of these errors are inevitable and they can be fixed. Proper care and maintenance of your computer is the key that can […]

Few tips to boost the speed of your slow PC and Fix it before its too late

Which PC will you prefer while browsing internet, Slow PC or a PC with maximum possible speed. Imagine you are watching a YouTube video or taking an online video tutorial, how do you feel when you are not getting the desired speed for quick download? Of course, you feel impatient and irritated, you check your […]