More About the Author "KrustyBox"

Author Nick: KrustyBox
Name: Krusty Box
About the Author: I am an internet marketer seeking to make a stable online income.

Articles by KrustyBox :

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The Atheists Believe in Miracles Also

It is extremely common for atheists to go around accusing Theists of being irrational in their faith of God and God’s miracles. What atheists fail to become conscious of is that they surely hold their own beliefs and put their faith in miracles also. We will examine a few of these miracles and show the […]

God Is Loving and Good and That Is a Predicament For Humanity

Everyone loves to talk about the fact that “God is good” and “God is love” without ever understanding the implications this brings for mankind. This results from a lack of biblical knowledge about the true nature of man, being dead in sin and really evil. Most people, including people who call themselves Christians, like to […]

The Truth About Once Saved Always Saved and The Eternal Security of the Believer

A notable matter of discussion amidst Christians all over the planet today is positioned on the “eternal security” of the believers. A lot of people hold the opinion that once a person is saved, they are forevermore secured in Christ, and accordingly will stay saved from that point forward. Others teach that you can be […]

The Good and Bad Features of Amazon’s Affiliate Program

The Amazon affiliate program is the most widespread online affiliate program on the internet today when it comes to dealing with products. Amazon were the first to truly bring forth the internet affiliate program aspect and put it to good use. Nonetheless, there are various “Pros and Cons” to contemplate when deciding whether or not […]

Can 1 Timothy 2:4 Prove false Reformed Theology and Limited Atonement?

Most human beings who consider themselves Christians today have a major difficulty with the Calvinistic doctrine that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was not for each and every single individual, but rather for a particular people labeled “the elect.” This teaching is well-known as “Limited Atonement” and is one of the chief teachings of […]