More About the Author "LisaYu"

Author Nick: LisaYu

Articles by LisaYu :

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How To Quit Retaining Water – Without Dangerous Diuretics!

The best way to quit retaining water is one thing numerous women are compelled to ask all through the year. From our periods that can cause bloating, to excess water retention due to the food we’re ingesting, it seems like retaining water is constantly a challenge. Asian women have healthy ways that remove unwanted water, […]

Asian Fat Reduction Tips – Secrets You Can Use Today!

Learning Asian fat burning tips doesn’t require you to fly off to China or Japan tomorrow and study in their kitchens for weeks. Instead there are a lot of basic and successful secrets and techniques you can learn and start using today to shed pounds and get lean. Asian women are famous for being able […]

The Apple Diet – Does It Deliver The Results?

The apple program is a question I get asked by weight loss clients every once in a while when they first join my program. What is it? Does it perform? Is it safe? All valid questions for those looking to slim down fast. Asian women get their skinny bodies by using natural fruits like apples, […]

Best Way To Lose Fat – With No Starving!

The easiest way to slim down quickly has been fought about forever, as diet pill after diet pill has been marketed to consumers struggling to eliminate fat and more risky surgical treatments and have become the norm. Instead of having a Doctor slice you open, or taking a possibly dangerous new drug, let me show […]

How To Drop 10 Pounds in a Week – With no Starving!

How to Lose 10 pounds in a week without starving is a hard request. When customers in my Skinny Asian Diet system come to me with this challenge I normally tell them that it can be done if they’re paying attention and stay sharp. Let’s look at a few ways it can be carried out […]