More About the Author "Nigel Evans"

Author Nick: NigelEvans
Name: Nigel Evans

Articles by Nigel Evans :

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Make Alternative Incomes a Reality

Infomercials abound on television, especially in the small hours of the night, where various presenters rave about how they have created alternative incomes and wished that they had done so earlier in their lives. They normally illustrate their points with photographs of fast cars, mansions and super boats. Up until now, we may not have paid too much attention to these but the recent recession has taught us that we need to ensure our future and not get caught out again.

How to Understand Affiliate Program Websites

If you have ever thought about becoming self-employed, establishing a corporation or setting out on your own, you must be aware of all the repercussions before you start off. It is very difficult to establish a bricks and mortar operation without substantial assets to invest. For many, this is out of the question, especially during difficult recessionary times.

Home Based Success is at Your Fingertips

Every time we go through an economic downturn, there is always a spike in the number of people who think about turning to self-employment. They may have been frightened by layoffs at work, even though they may not have been affected directly.
