More About the Author "OnlineChineseDating"

Author Nick: OnlineChineseDating
Name: OnlineChinese Dating
About the Author: Looking for best Chinese dating sites online? Read the reviews first to make a decision to choose the best Chinese dating site to find your dream partner.

Articles by OnlineChineseDating :

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Chinese Dating – The Importance Of Horoscope In Chinese Culture

Among the numerous queries that western men using Chinese dating websites have to face from their online mates, the most common is perhaps the one about their horoscopes. Although most men are aware of the significance of astronomy in the lives of Chinese people, they are rarely aware of the vital role played by horoscopes […]

Chinese Dating – Understanding The Lifestyle Of Chinese People

A large number of western men using Chinese dating website are often surprised by the seemingly unusual lifestyle of their Chinese girlfriends. A large majority of these oriental girls tend to have a traditional lifestyle and possess qualities that come from living in harmony with nature, co-existing in a peaceful manner and leading a simple […]

Minimize Scams on Chinese Dating Sites

The idea to have an Asian wife is finding favor among a growing number of men both young and not so young. The only deterrent, sometimes, is the poor reputation for scams and frauds of various Asian and Chinese dating sites. The list of scams rampant on such sites is too long to be mentioned […]

Understanding Confucianism And Its Effects On Online Chinese Dating

Confucianism theories and believes have played a pivotal role in influencing the culture and society of China for centuries. While it is still difficult to exactly define the correct meanings of these the theories and philosophies of the great Chinese sage, people have for long being following his teachings in a religious manner and consider […]

Affect of Religion on Chinese Dating

It is a well known fact that spirituality has played a great role in keeping the people of China united as a nation. Despite following diverse religions, Chinese people share some common rituals and beliefs that have eradicated the differences created by abrasive geographical disparities and diverse dialects. As such it is only natural for […]