More About the Author "Prazynothh"

Author Nick: Prazynothh
Name: Prazy nothh
About the Author: Writer

Articles by Prazynothh :

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Online Bus Ticket Booking

Bus journey is acceptable for the general public due to practice plus the nature of travel. They are sure hallmarks of running a bus journey as people think they’re the swift medium for access rather than the train. There need not be proper travel for the bus journey. An individual just pack the baggage or […]

Save Environment from E-Waste

Basic level mobile phones designed for just talking objective are definitely out of the situation today, but in fact, there are individuals seeking your old phones plus they are also willing to pay you for it. Even when you are unable to get more than a few pounds on your old mobile phone it could […]

Five Good Reasons to Recycle Mobile Phone

When you trade in your old mobile device, you not only get cash, but you also do some good to the environment. Yes, recycling is a truly noble deed. Recycling old mobile phones have many other benefits. Here are five fair reasons to recycle mobile phone. Recycling mobile phones and other electronic gadgets help the […]

Mobile phone recycling High time to act

Most of us take technology as granted and very few would really like to know what goes in to the gadget and how the technology functions. An average consumer finds no time to really check these details he just buys and uses the devise for his own advantage. It is very difficult to find anybody […]

How To Sell Mobile Phones

People who have damaged, broken or unused mobile phones, usually keep them in the drawers. Or throw them in trash, little realising that throwing them in trash can harm  the environment. A better option is to sell those mobile phones to a recycling company and earn some cash. Recycling of mobile phones is a relatively […]