More About the Author "Rachel007"

Author Nick: Rachel007
Name: Rachel Kirchner
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He is thus the medium of the highest influence

right in a poor slave-captain’s mind; and cannot these be supposed available to break, or elude, or in any manner overmatch the tension of an inch or two of iron ring? This is a natural power, like light and heat, and all nature cooperates with it. The reason why we feel one man’s presence, and […]

As some old broken soldier

Louis Vuitton Bags and Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags love, Wafting to other work, to unknown songs, conditions, On, on, ye jocund twain! continue on the same! 1891 1891-2 MY 71ST YEAR AFTER surmounting three-score and ten, With all their chances, changes, losses, sorrows, My parents’ deaths, the vagaries of my life, the many tearing passions […]

we cannot shake off the lethargy now at noonday

ou shalt have the whole land for thy park and manor, the sea for thy bath and navigation, without tax and without envy; the woods and the rivers thou shalt own; and thou shalt possess that wherein others are only tenants and boarders. Thou true land-lord! sea-lord! air-lord! Wherever snow falls, or water flows, or […]

People grieve and bemoan themselves

o degrade today; a good deal of buzz, and somewhere a result slipped magically in. Every roof is agreeable to the eye, until it is lifted; then we find tragedy and moaning women, and hard-eyed husbands, and deluges of lethe, and the men ask, `What’s the news?’ as if the old were so bad. How […]

stroke the heads and limbs of plenteous supreme Gods

Louis Vuitton Bags and Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags men and women. Not to chisel ornaments, But to chisel with free stroke the heads and limbs of plenteous supreme Gods, that the States may realize them walking and talking. Let me have my own way, Let others promulge the laws, I will make no account of […]