More About the Author "Raj22"

Author Nick: Raj22
Name: Raj Rajwar
About the Author: I am a member of OSA Team Member.

Articles by Raj22 :

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Preparation For Twelfth Class Exams

Senior secondary exams are a crucial phase of life through which every student has to go through. It doesn’t matter if they are brilliant or average; it’s the same for everyone. There are myriad situations during this period of time when teenagers loose their concentration and tend to waver to other happenings around them. Twelfth […]

Value Of Quality Education For Your Kids Future

When we talk about quality education, what exactly do we mean? It is not only about education, it is something to make our children ready to face any kind of situation in the future. Along with academics, schools should make little ones unbiased against any caste, color, religion etc.   As we all know that in […]

How Education Helps To Make Creative Mind

In today’s world an uneducated society is considered to be an uncivilized one. Education is the wide experience which has influential effect on mind, character or physical ability. It is the way through which society convey it knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. It is the procedure by which idle man is […]

Teen Depression: A Reading

Depression is a state of mind which afflicts not only health of an individual but also seeds aversion to activity. There are numerous reasons why a child may get depressed; childrens’ psychic development is very complex, especially their growing and developing years. The problem of teen depression did not prevail until it was discovered in […]