More About the Author "RandyLewey"

Author Nick: RandyLewey

Articles by RandyLewey :

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Sought after A Quality Legacy To Others

Have you ever found yourself in the position of being solicited by a network marketer that tried to sell you a product that you felt was out of the box, useless, or just plain unusual? Was this person a family member, friend, or a co-worker? Did this person even seem aggressive about selling the product? […]

Network Marketers Wanted for sweetness of life and profitability!

Opportunenessy. A revolution in the way we do business, how network marketing is viewed around the world, and what kind of future we will build with it. Now let’s discuss what network marketing isprosperity Marketing To understand how network marketing works, it may be helpful to think of a business model that most consumers are […]

Start Building Your Vitamark Business, Simple 2 Minute Story!

I heard a great story. Takes two minutes, might make lots of money, might not. Want to hear it? Yes says Jana, If you never had to go to work again, would that be okay? Jana, says Sure as long as I get a paycheck! Well Jana, I felt the same way. My job interferes […]
