More About the Author "RayRelles1254dc"

Author Nick: RayRelles1254dc
Name: Ray Relles
About the Author: I work in the Data Center safety field.

Articles by RayRelles1254dc :

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Server Lift for the Data Center

The server deployment process is a task that many data centers have to deal with on a regular basis. For instance, servers have to be replaced, upgraded, or maintained. Another project that includes server deployment is salability. To stay ahead of the competition and remain a healthy business, most IT experts suggest that servers must […]

Mistakes to Avoid During Your Server Migration Project

Migrating servers is a common occurrence in data centers, for servers and other equipment need to be replaced every three to four years in order to keep up with the newest technologies. Although these projects are crucial for the good health of a company, they always induce stress and will consume a lot of time. […]

Server Upgrade

The server upgrade process can certainly be a daunting experience, and a lot of IT professionals try to put it off as much as possible. Many people are intimidated due to the fact that this type of project can be extremely challenging and can also be expensive. Although this process can be difficult, it can […]

Defering Server Replacement Cycles

Smaller budgets have become a common reality for most data centers, and this is making data professionals think about delaying their server replacement cycles. Many companies seem to be thinking that it’s better to use their servers for as long as they can. However, before doing so, there are many questions that should be answered. […]

Server Handling Mistakes and Solutions

Handling servers can be something that has to be done on a regular basis by IT workers in data centers. Data centers are generally filled with many different types of heavy equipment, and moving these types of equipment can be a hassle. Carrying or manually lifting heavy data center gear can lead to different types […]