More About the Author "RealMLMTrainingINc"

Author Nick: RealMLMTrainingINc
Name: Real MLM Training INc
About the Author: It all started five or so years ago. Joe LoBalsamo was working 60 hours a week as a truck driver. The job was keeping him from doing the activities he loves but most importantly the job was keeping him from spending time with his family which of course he valued tremendously. So he took to the Internet to find out how to make money in his own home based business.
That’s when he discovered the world of Network Marketing. The idea of building a sales force and getting paid off the efforts of everyone on the team got his attention. The ability for a typical guy like himself to have the opportunity to create a walk away residual income and take back the time freedom that his job was stealing away from him.
So he got started in his first primary business and looked to his upline for guidance. Joe is the type of individual that takes immediate and massive action. So Joe got started making a list of friends and family which his upline suggested he do. Once he had his list ready, Joe and his upline got on the phone to call Joe’s contacts.
Of course there was a lot of fear on Joe’s part calling his contacts. After it was all said and done, Joe recruited no one. Joe asked his upline what else he can do. Then his upine suggested he buy business opportunity leads from lead vendors and make cold calls. Now when Joe was told about cold calling leads he thought he was going to recruit like crazy. Why did he think this? Because Joe also had a sales back round. He though he would just get on the phone a sell people left and right into his downline.
He learned real fast that cold calling leads was not about selling but about sorting. Joe LoBalsamo purchased training material on how to become good a prospecting. After 6 months or so, Joe got really good at the prospecting game. So good that he personally recruited around 100 or so people into his team. He got so good that he ended up doing live prospecting calls for his primary company at that time.
However, after spending over $7,629 on leads and thousands of hours pounding the phone cold calling dealing with rejection on a massive scale, Joe LoBalsamo couldn’t understand, why after all the people he personally recruited, why no one was duplicating. This is when he realized the training he was getting was not effective enough. So Joe took to the Internet again. This time for answers.
To answer the question can a Network Marketing business be built more effectively using other strategies in stead of what he was being told to do originally from his upline. After researching for months he found many answers. But the most important answer he found was a BIG YES that he can build a successful business using other strategies! Joe stumbled upon many marketers that were building growing downlines using the Internet. But probably what was the most important information Joe uncovered was that he lacked actual marketing skills.
This was the break through Joe LoBalsamo was looking for. It was at that point that he knew what he had to do. It was time to master the art of Internet Marketing. During his journey he met many master marketers that took him under there wing and mentored him in the art of marketing. From that day on Joe started to see the growth in his business that he always knew was possible.
Today Joe LoBalsamo teaches others how he generates thousands of fresh leads, puts $34,573+ in his pockets, and how you to can use the same Simple Formula to build your MLM Business Lightning Fast…
Without prospecting, cold-calling, buying leads, chasing family & friends or getting Rejected Ever Again!
Articles by RealMLMTrainingINc :
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