More About the Author "RobertSiciliano"

Author Nick: RobertSiciliano
Name: Robert Siciliano
About the Author: ROBERT SICILIANO, CEO of is fiercely committed to informing, educating, and empowering Americans so they can be protected from violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds. His “tell it like it is” style is sought after by major media outlets, executives in the C-Suite of leading corporations, meeting planners, and community leaders to get the straight talk they need to stay safe in a world in which physical and virtual crime is commonplace. Siciliano is accessible, real, professional, and ready to weigh in and comment at a moment’s notice on breaking news.

Articles by RobertSiciliano :

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Protecting Your Green

By green, I mean what you might call your cashola, mula, peso, mark, deniro, bread…or just money. I have a few, possibly contradictory philosophies about protecting one’s money. But hear me out. First and foremost, never, ever fight a burglar, mugger, robber or home invader over money. If some whacko wants your dough, give it […]

Username and Passwords Are Facilitating Fraud

In 2005, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council stated: “The agencies consider single-factor authentication, as the only control mechanism, to be inadequate for high-risk transactions involving access to customer information or the movement of funds to other parties. Account fraud and identity theft are frequently the result of single-factor (e.g., ID/password) authentication exploitation.  Where risk […]

Are Your Kids’ Friends Trouble?

From childhood on, throughout life we develop relationships starting with your neighbors, classmates and eventually through work and of course through friends of friends. In high school I met this kid through my girlfriend’s girlfriend. He was a talented kid with lots of potential. I’m not using his real name, so let’s call him John. […]

Hackers Target Small Business

Big companies and big government get big press when their data is breached. And when a big company is hit, those whose accounts have been compromised are often notified. With smaller businesses, however, victims are often left in the dark, regardless of the various state laws requiring notification. One reason for this is that smaller […]

How Is All This Hacking Affecting My Identity?

Without question, 2011 is the year for hackers of all kinds to get their 15 minutes of fame. But it feels like it’s lasting a lot longer than 15 minutes. With so many different breeds of hackers, each with their own agenda and an endless supply of potential targets, the media has certainly been more […]