More About the Author "Robinson"

Author Nick: Robinson
Name: Robinson k
About the Author: Origins of Cerebral Palsy is the comprehensive source for information on causes and treatment of cerebral palsy.

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How Cerebral Palsy Impairs the Neuromuscular Mobility in Kids

When a kid suffers from neuromuscular mobility, it means that the nerve cells or neurons which are responsible for sending messages for muscles that can be controlled voluntarily, have been damaged. When communication fails, it leads to weakening of muscles, leading to difficulty in mobility. Cerebral Palsy is one of the conditions that lead to […]

How Rubella during Pregnancy Leads to Cerebral Palsy

Rubella also known as German measles is a type of viral disease that is marked by the outburst of a rash that normally begins from the face and then gradually spreads to the other parts of the body. This disease is normally associated with children. This is because most who adults have suffered from the […]

How Premature Birth Is Related to One of the Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Premature birth also known as preterm means the birth of a baby before the completion of the normal period of pregnancy. It means giving birth to a baby before the completion of 37 or 42 weeks of pregnancy. The actual cause of preterm is not yet known but there are many factors that can induce […]

How Injury in the Brain during Birth Leads to Cerebral Palsy in Babies

Cerebral palsy is a brain disorder that is caused by brain injury or brain damage either during pregnancy, birth or after birth. People suffering from this disorder lack muscle control especially around the limbs. Cerebral palsy is also marked by the lack of body movement. However, it is not a life threatening disease. Up to […]

Assistive Technology Helping People with Cerebral Palsy

A variety of neurological disorders may be categorized under the umbrella of cerebral palsy which is characterized by affected body movement and impairment in muscle coordination which usually occurs during infancy or early puberty. A majority of infants born with the condition are not immediately diagnosed with the condition, although these conditions are generally caused […]