More About the Author "RonnaKenk"

Author Nick: RonnaKenk

Articles by RonnaKenk :

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A Brief Explanation of What E-commerce is

E-commerce touches all major aspects of economic life and presents a series of complex issues. It involves the integration of many elements of technology, infrastructure, business operation and public policy. All these elements need to operate together as smoothly as possible to yield the maximum benefits to its users. Most importantly, e-commerce requires new skills […]

E-Commerce – The Big Market For Everybody

E Commerce, a term that is almost on everybody’s lips these days irrespective of the fact whether they know what it is exactly or how it works. So what is E Commerce? At it’s most simplistic level; eCommerce is simply the buying and selling of goods, services or information via the World Wide Web, email […]

Basics of Online Commerce For Your Internet Business

The basic premise behind online commerce systems is simple. You sign up for the service and the service creates an account for you, much like a bank. You can then add funds to your account by any number of methods: transferring money from your account, charging a credit card, or selling products and receiving payments. […]

Usability of E Commerce Web Design

The World Wide Web has offered a new platform of business. In the past, hardly a number of business concerns could trade globally. But, with the introduction of web there has been a drastic revolution in the market trends. Today, business companies make websites to reach to the millions across the world. In fact, small […]

Easy Instruments to Learn – Some Musical Instruments For Beginners

If you are a music lover and you want to learn to play an instrument than just singing along with your favorite tunes, you can actually select a few easy instruments to learn. Somehow, naming ‘easy’ instruments to learn is not really definite. It usually depends on you, but if you are a beginner in […]